
To use Understreck in a project:

import understreck as _

Then you can use the various helper functions.

Nested Get example:

import understreck as _

test_dictionary = {
    "the_top_level": {
        "second_level": {"third_level": "it works", "third_level_sibling": False}

# Using dot delimited strings
result = _.get(test_dictionary, "the_top_level.second_level.third_level")  # result = "it works"
result = _.get(test_dictionary, "the_top_level.second_level.DOES_NOT_EXIST")  # result = None

# Using a list or tuple
result = _.get(test_dictionary, ["the_top_level", "second_level", "third_level"])  # result = "it works"
result = _.get(test_dictionary, ["the_top_level", "second_level", "DOES_NOT_EXIST"])  # result = None

Chunks example:

import understreck as _

to_chunk = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"]
result = _.chunks.split(to_chunk, 2)  # result == [["one", "two", "three"], ["four", "five"]]

Filter example:

import understreck as _

users = [
        {"user": "barney", "age": 36, "active": True},
        {"user": "fred", "age": 40, "active": False},

# Using a lambda function
result = _.filter(users, lambda x: not x.get("active"))  # result == [{"user": "fred", "age": 40, "active": False}]

# Using partial dictionary
result = _.filter(users, {"age": 36, "active": True})  # result == [{"user": "barney", "age": 36, "active": True}]

# Using a list with a property name and value
result = _.filter(users, ["active", False])  # result == [{"user": "fred", "age": 40, "active": False}]

# Using a list with a property name. The value must be truthy.
result = _.filter(users, ["active"])  # result == [{"user": "barney", "age": 36, "active": True}]

Strip indents example:

import understreck as _

def some_function():
    to_strip = """This is a

    _.strip(to_strip)  # "This is a\nmulti-line\nstring"